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King of the Jews

I was thrilled by Mike’s drawing last week.  He is great at allowing those edges of his negative space to go white and sometimes blend into the background of the computer screen.  I also thought his palette was very reserved so it made the colors really pop in a bold, almost advertising kind of way.  There could be a great catch phrase added in there somewhere in big fat bold black block letters!  Also the subject matter is great and I’m excited about the bestiary developing in the Goo Blog.

Mike got me thinking about kings and queens and since it was Easter week, I got to thinking about Jesus.  I’ve always been fastinated by the long stretches of undocumented years between his early childhood and the end of his life (when he became almost as famous as The Beatles).  Here I imagine him as an adolescent chasing a cat.  No symbolism, just a kid playing in the street.

Pen and whiteout on paper.  I played with leaving some frames of action in the picture to give it more feel of activity.  Spent a long time on this because I had it – I was on vacation and knocked out a bunch of new drawings I am excited about.

About Matt Gajdoš

I'm a cartoonist and elementary substitute teacher. Kids make me laugh and inspire me to be like them.

2 responses to “King of the Jews

  1. Stew ⋅

    I heart this. Big time. Just a kid chasing a cat, destined to be almost as famous as the Beatles. This is sweet.

  2. Elia ⋅

    This is my favorite one! 🙂 You’re so good!

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